MFL Online Store Local Special: $4 Adult | $3 Child Sentosa Line (1 Round Trip)

1 Round Trip Usual Price: $17.00 Adult | $12.00 Child

Sentosa Line* (Within Sentosa)
Sensoryscape Station - Imbiah Lookout Station - Siloso Point Station

*Kindly note that Sentosa Line resides in Sentosa only and does not include admission into Sentosa

Things to Note

- Sentosa Line (Round Trip) refers to one round trip on Sentosa Line for a day only.
- Ticket purchased has a validity period of 90 days upon date of purchase.
- Cable Car operating hours: 8.45am - 10pm (Last boarding 9.30pm).
- Child is defined as 4 to 12 years old (before 13th birthday). Free admission for children below 4 years old.
- Flammable materials like liquids, gases, ionised and non-ionised lithium batteries; and devices that contain flammable materials such as Motorized Personal Mobility devices and electronic scooters and helium balloons are prohibited onboard the Singapore Cable Car.
- Please be ready to present proof of eligibility for Local Rate tickets at point of ticketing and random checks may also be conducted at the point of entry into the attraction. Visitors unable to present proof of eligibility will be required to upgrade to standard full price tickets.
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